Now Landsmót at Hólar is coming up and we have in total 13 horses from our stable competing, thereof 7 in A- and B-flokkur, 1 in tölt, 3 in pace and 2 in the breeding show.
Reynir has Laxnes frá Lambanesi and Kvika frá Grenjum in A-flokkur, Elvur frá Flekkudal in tölt and Skemill frá Dalvík in 150m pace.
Aðalheiður has Steinálfur frá Horni in B-flokkur, Ása frá Fremri-Gufudal in 100m pace and Álfamey frá Dufþaksholti in the 5 year old group.
Then the amazing winner of the 5 year old stallions at last LM, Ölnir frá Akranesi, is going in the 7 year old class, and we believe he has more in him than he showed in the breeding evaluation in the spring so it will be super exciting watching him in the track at Hólar.
The 7 year old stallions are extremely good this year and only a few points are between these top 10 horses.
Teitur Árnason has a mare from us, Ör frá Eyri, in 150m pace and has the second best time of the year on her, 14,43sec.
The kids working here at Margrétarhof will have 1 horse each in the younger classes, and ofcourse Baldvin frá Stangarholti will be competing with his rider, Védís Huld, in the children’s class.